if you haven't joined, please join and
treat your souls to something wonderful.
i am loving the feature
where i can see my other friends playlists.
sooo much new music.
my current selection seems so inadequate now.
i never knew there was so much happiness
just sitting there patiently waiting for me.
Go There.
Just let the pictures take you
and convince you that the only thing needed right now
is you sitting on a beach
shooting film
with a couple loved ones
completely loving your life.
but i kind of went all domestic ape shiz and made this skirt out of two old t-shirts.
say whaaa?
that's right, i did it and i would do it again. (said it hard core thug voice)
listen if i can do it, you can do it ten times better.
i don't sew. infact i don't do anything domestic like very often.
but once I saw this on pinterest and saw how cute these clothes are that this girl makes herself,
i thought i would give it a try.
i am very pleased with the result.
and it has sort of turned me into a sewing machine.
baha no pun intended.
if any of my other projects turn out i will post them but lets just go ahead and assume that all things domestic are going to stop here.
also i think something is definitely wrong with me because on saturday i also went running *cue gasps* for the first time in years. YEARS. but i just figured with central park being a block away i couldn't not take advantage of it. that and every time i look in my closet my running shoes that i've had for 6 months and haven't used yet, are staring back up at me. And I figured they would stop looking at me in disgust for not using them and choosing to eat chipotle instead if i took them out once. but i am sad to report its only gotten worse. i sort of enjoyed the whole running thing *cue second round of gasps* and i am now just itching to take them out again.
I don't know whats happening to me but it's freaking me out a little bit.
Does it seem as amazing to you as it does to me that I have already been out here for 6 months?
6 months?? That's 2/3rds of a pregnancy. Now for reals, does anyone else relate time to a pregnancy? Cus I plan my life in increments of pregnancies.
This whole NY experience, yet incredibly difficult, has been life changing. I am so grateful for how blessed I was to find a job out here and have been given the opportunities I was. I am a completely different person than I was 6 months ago. And I know that's just how life works. We are constantly changing and growing, and hopefully in all of that, trying to become better people. And maybe this is just another one of lifes many ah-ha moments where i look back and realize how far I've come.
But I am very grateful for these moments.
I am grateful for being in this stage of life. It feels like I am always looking and hoping to be somewhere else or be doing something different or what I have is not quite good enough. I mean come on, I live in New York City, one of the greatest cities in the world. I don't know how much better it can get, right?
It's a completely different experience living in Manhattan than in Brooklyn. And yes there are great things about both places and Brooklyn will always hold a piece of my heart but can I just say that I am loving Manhattan. I love my apartment. I love my wonderful roommates. And I am loving experiencing this part of NY. Please, do yourself a favor and move out here with me. You can sleep on my couch. And if you play your cards right maybe even in my bed.. with me in it..
My Familia comes to visit tomorrow, FOR A WHOLE BLESSED WEEK. I am S.T.oked.
So be prepared for some great posts with lots of family lovin in em.
For all you sad souls out there crying over harry potter ending
and not being apart of your life anymore,
this is what i have to say to you...
Suck it! Cus I just got accepted to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry!
I looked in mail box and found this little baby gleaming up at me. I opened it on the elevator ride up to my apartment and was freaking out. I'm sure the people in there with me thought I was a sane person.
Maybe now I can crawl out of that corner I've been in for days crying over my childhood ending?
I would die a happy woman right now.
Thank you for the letter friend!