After exiting my body she was placed directly on my chest, looked straight into my eyes, and repeated the words “We are still One. We are still We.”
And from that day forward when she cried, I cried. When her legs would curl up towards her stomach telling me something was wrong, wouldn’t you know it, my stomach would start aching too. You could time our 3 AM meltdowns. Was it her anger or mine? Was I frustrated first or was she? She is Me only 4 feet shorter and 100 lbs lighter.
Is this something that we will develop out of, or are we going to reflect forever? Will she feel my complete fear and dread when I find out I am pregnant again? What about when she’s 15 and has her first breakup — will I bear that grief too? Broken Bones? Finals week? The ultimate is when we reflect joy or excitement or my all time favorite, love. Reaching in she grabs your heart in one hand and your soul in the other and gives you nice good shake. I’ve never met another person who feels more deeply than her. It’s like the emotions are too big for her body so when one comes along it wells up and bursts out of without any reservation.
I guess somehow it makes sense. Nine months we had to learn each other. Moving, developing into these new souls alongside one another. But the awe is always there as she mirrors my own self again and again.
We are still One. We are still We.
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