For those Lost, Just Not Forgotten

In the vacuum of leaving and being left,
People are made.
The loved and lost.
The rejected and the survivor.

Life disciplines in silence.
Teaching when our mentors are gone.
In the light that creates shadows,
The darkness that craves the Sun.

Our comings; and our goings.
Our meetings and departings.
Make of boys, fathers
and women, daughters.

And the people that are made.
In the vacuum of leaving and being left,
Are never lost, just forgotten.

For those Lost, Just Not Forgotten from Cole Webley on Vimeo.

My very inspiring friend from New York Chateau wrote this poem 
and the video was chosen as a Vimeo Staff Pick today.

One day kids, one day i'll be able to make something as incredible as this.
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whats that now?

I forgot about this whole blogging thing.
who knew doing nothing could take up so much time!

since i last updated:
caught the mother of all stomach flu's in Havasupai & got airlifted out.
said goodbye to Natalie for 20 months.
shot my first gun.
& discovered I rock at miniature golf.

Utah you've been so good to me.
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